Geek+ is a global technology company at the forefront of the smart logistics revolution that develops innovative, AI-driven logistics robots and automation solutions for warehousing and manufacturing scenarios.

The solutions include automated picking, sorting, moving and forklift systems as well as comprehensive systems covering entire warehouse and industry scenarios like the Smart Warehouse and Smart Factory solution. 

Geek+ autonomous mobile robots are equipped with exceptional perception, SLAM navigation for accurate positioning, and powerful motion control which makes them suitable for various industry scenarios and has a rich portfolio of successful cases.


Used worldwide.

Autonomous robots from Geek+

Geek+ currently has more than 10,000 autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) deployed worldwide. With the number growing by the day, Geek+ is leading the global intelligent logistics revolution. In October 2018, Geek+ received the UK Supply Chain Excellence Award in the Robotic Innovation category. In 2019-2020, Geek+ won the RBR50 Award by the Robotics Business Review, and in 2020 the company was the designated winner of the prestigious "Best in Intralogistics" award. 

Moreover, Geek+ works together with nearly 300 globally known brands such as Nike, Decathlon, Walmart, Toyota, and Suning, including 40 Fortune 500 companies.


Advantages for your company

  • schneller_roi.png

    Rapid ROI

  • wenig_personalkosten.png

    Reduced Labor Cost

  • schnell_installation.png

    Fast Deployment

  • hohe_flexibilitaet.png

    Flexible & Scalable

Moving the world intelligently

Want to increase the efficiency and picking accuracy in your warehouse?

Calculate how quickly your investment in a Geek+ robotic system would pay off.

Our brochures

Download our available brochures as PDF files here.

Sounds interesting?

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