Geek+ Project Designer
Determine your return on investment and the potential increase in picking efficiency with Geek+ solutions
Calculate how quickly your investment in a Geek+ robotics system will pay off.

Define your project parameters here.
Your personal result
The following evaluation is based on the parameters you entered and the experience we have gained from the more than 10,000 mobile robots (AMRs) used by Geek+ worldwide.
Return on Investment
About Years*

Increase picking efficiency

Geek+ Robots
Would you like a detailed and free initial consultation on how Geek+ can help you to significantly increase your efficiency and flexibility in your warehouse? Simply fill out the form with your contact details and send it off. Our experts will then contact you immediately and advise you free of charge and without obligation.
*Evaluation serves as initial analysis and is based on Geek+ experience and the parameters you enter. An exact and detailed calculation is only possible after a non-binding and personal initial consultation.